Why Does My Poodle Have Straight Hair?

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As a dog owner, you may be wondering why your poodle does not have the typical curly coat that the breed is known for. While poodles are popular for their curly hair, some poodles have straight or wavy hair. This can be confusing, especially if you are not familiar with the different coat types and their causes.

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why your poodle may have straight hair. We will also explore some of the other coat types that poodles can have, as well as their characteristics and grooming requirements.


What is a poodle’s coat made of?

Before we delve into the reasons why your poodle may have straight hair, let’s first understand the basics of a poodle’s coat. A poodle’s coat is made up of two layers: the topcoat and the undercoat.

The topcoat is the layer of hair that you see on the surface of your poodle’s body. This outer layer of hair is made up of curly or wavy hair that gives the breed its distinctive appearance.

The undercoat, on the other hand, is a soft, dense layer of hair that provides insulation and helps regulate body temperature. The undercoat is thicker during colder months and thinner during warmer months.


Why do poodles have curly hair?

Poodles have curly hair due to their genetic makeup. The curly coat is caused by a mutation in the FGF5 gene, which codes for a protein that regulates and controls hair growth.

This mutation causes the hair follicles to produce curly instead of straight hair. As a result, poodles have tight, curly hair that requires regular grooming and maintenance to prevent matting and tangling.


Why do some poodles have straight hair?

Although poodles are known for their curly coats, some poodles can have straight or wavy hair. This can be due to a number of factors, including genetics, crossbreeding, and grooming.

One of the reasons why some poodles have straight hair is due to crossbreeding. Breeders may intentionally breed poodles with other breeds to create new hybrid breeds, such as the Labradoodle, Cockapoo, or Goldendoodle. These crossbreeds may have traits from their non-poodle parent, including straight or wavy hair.

Another reason why poodles may have straight hair is due to genetics. While the curly coat is the dominant trait in poodles, there may be recessive genes that result in straight hair. These recessive genes can be passed down from generation to generation, resulting in poodles with straight or wavy hair.

Grooming can also play a role in a poodle’s coat type. If a poodle is not groomed regularly or is shaved too short, their curly hair may not have a chance to grow properly, resulting in a straight or wavy appearance.


What are the other coat types that poodles can have?

Aside from curly, straight, or wavy hair, poodles can also have other coat types, including corded and shaved.

Corded coats are a unique type of coat that forms naturally over time when the poodle’s hair is allowed to mat and tangle together. The cords can be long and narrow, or thick and round, and can give the poodle a distinctive look. Corded coats require a significant amount of maintenance, as the cords must be separated and groomed regularly to prevent matting and tangling.

Shaved coats are often referred to as the “puppy cut” or the “Lamb cut” and are achieved by shaving the hair to a uniform length across the body. This coat type is low maintenance and can be a good option for poodle owners who do not have time for regular grooming or who live in warm climates.


What factors can impact a poodle’s coat type?

As we discussed earlier, a poodle’s coat type can be influenced by genetics, crossbreeding, and grooming. However, there are other factors that can impact your poodle’s coat type.

Age can play a role in a poodle’s coat type, especially as they get older. Some poodles may start out with curly hair but gradually develop straight or wavy hair as they age.

Nutrition can also impact a poodle’s coat type. A diet that is lacking in essential nutrients can result in a dull, dry coat that is more prone to tangles and matting.

Lastly, health issues or hormonal imbalances can also affect a poodle’s coat type. If you notice a sudden change in your poodle’s coat, such as hair loss or a change in texture, it is important to take them to the vet for an evaluation.


How do I care for my poodle’s straight or wavy coat?

While poodles with straight or wavy hair may require less maintenance than their curly-coated counterparts, they still require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and free of tangles.

Brushing your poodle’s hair regularly is key in preventing tangles and matting. Use a slicker brush or comb to gently remove any knots or tangles, starting at the ends of the hair and working your way up to the roots.

Bathing your poodle regularly can also help keep their coat clean and healthy. Use a good quality dog shampoo and conditioner, making sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent any residue from building up on the hair.

Lastly, make sure to keep up with your poodle’s regular grooming appointments. Depending on your poodle’s coat type and length, they may require grooming every 4-6 weeks to keep their hair looking its best.



In conclusion, poodles with straight or wavy hair are not uncommon and can be attributed to a variety of factors, including crossbreeding and genetics. While poodles with straight hair may require less maintenance than their curly coated counterparts, they still require regular grooming to keep their hair healthy and free of tangles. Understanding the factors that impact a poodle’s coat type can help you better care for your furry friend and ensure that their coat stays healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Jessica Davis

Jessica Davis

Owner of the cutest poodle on earth

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