Can Poodles Be Trained As Therapy Dogs?

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Poodle dogs are intelligent and quick learners. They can be trained for various tasks, and one of them is becoming a therapy dog. These dogs are trained to provide emotional support to people suffering from mental health disorders, physical disabilities, or illnesses. Unlike service dogs, therapy dogs don’t have any specific tasks to perform, but they are trained to behave well and interact with people in a positive and calming manner.

If you’re considering getting a poodle dog as a therapy dog, this article will provide you with all the information you need to know. We will discuss the training process, the traits that make poodles suitable for therapy work, the benefits of having a therapy dog, and more.


What makes poodles suitable for therapy work?

Poodles are known for their intelligence, personality, and hypoallergenic coat. These traits make them suitable for various jobs, including therapy work. Here are some reasons why poodles make great therapy dogs:

– Intelligence: Poodles are one of the most intelligent dog breeds, and they learn quickly. This makes them easy to train and teach the skills required for therapy work.
– Personality: Poodles have a friendly, outgoing, and calm personality. They enjoy human interaction and are good at reading people’s emotions, making them perfect for therapy work.
– Hypoallergenic coat: Poodles have a curly, non-shedding coat, which makes them a great choice for people with allergies.


What is involved in training a poodle to be a therapy dog?

To become a therapy dog, your poodle will need to undergo training and certification. Here are the steps involved in the training process:

– Basic obedience training: Your poodle will need to learn basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. These commands will help them behave well in public places such as hospitals or nursing homes.
– Socialization: Your poodle will need to be properly socialized to meet different kinds of people and situations. They should be comfortable around strangers, children, and other animals.
– Exposure to different environments: Your poodle will need to be exposed to different environments, including hospitals, nursing homes, and other public places. This will help them get used to the sights, sounds, and smells of these places.
– Therapy-specific training: Once your poodle has completed the basic obedience and socialization training, they can undertake therapy-specific training. This will teach your poodle how to interact appropriately with people who need emotional support.


What kind of temperament do poodles need to be therapy dogs?

As we mentioned earlier, poodles have friendly, outgoing, and calm personality, which makes them great therapy dogs. However, there are certain temperament traits that are required for a poodle to be successful in therapy work. These include:

– Good social skills: Poodles should be comfortable around strangers, children, and other animals. They should be able to interact with different kinds of people in a positive and respectful manner.
– Calmness and patience: Poodles should be calm and patient, even in stressful or noisy environments. They should be able to provide a calming presence to the people they interact with.
– Empathy: Poodles should be able to sense people’s emotions and respond appropriately. They should be able to provide emotional support to people who are anxious, sad, or stressed.


What are the benefits of having a therapy dog?

Having a therapy dog can bring many benefits to people who are struggling with mental health disorders, physical disabilities, or illnesses. Here are some of the benefits of having a therapy dog:

– Emotional support: Therapy dogs can provide emotional support to people who are feeling lonely, anxious, or stressed. They can help reduce depression and anxiety symptoms and improve overall well-being.
– Physical benefits: Therapy dogs can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, which can have a positive impact on overall health.
– Social benefits: Therapy dogs can help people interact with others and reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness.
– Attention and affection: Therapy dogs can provide unconditional love, attention, and affection, which can make people feel happier, more relaxed, and less stressed.


Are there any health or safety considerations to keep in mind when getting a poodle as a therapy dog?

When getting a poodle as a therapy dog, it’s important to keep some health and safety considerations in mind. Here are some things to consider:

– Health: Your poodle will need to be in good health and up-to-date with vaccinations. They should be clean and well-groomed, and free from any infectious diseases.
– Safety: Your poodle should be well-behaved and not pose any safety risks to people they interact with. They should be able to follow basic obedience commands and not jump or lunge at people.


How can you find a certified therapy dog program for your poodle?

If you’re interested in getting your poodle certified as a therapy dog, there are many programs available to choose from. Here are some steps you can take to find a certified program:

– Research online: Look for therapy dog programs in your area and read reviews or testimonials from other dog owners.
– Check certification requirements: Make sure the program you choose meets the certification requirements for your city or state.
– Attend training sessions: Once you find a program, attend training sessions with your poodle to ensure they’re getting the correct training they need.
– Get certified: After completing the program, you’ll need to get your poodle certified by taking a test to ensure that they’re qualified to work as a therapy dog.



Poodles can make excellent therapy dogs due to their intelligence, calm temperament, and hypoallergenic coat. They are easy to train and can provide emotional support to people dealing with various health conditions. When choosing a program for your poodle, make sure to research and attend training sessions to ensure they are getting the proper training they need to become certified therapy dogs. By having a therapy dog, you can bring many benefits to people who are struggling with different health conditions, and provide them with a comforting and supportive companion.

Jessica Davis

Jessica Davis

Owner of the cutest poodle on earth

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